LG's Arena handset arrived on 1st April 2009 in the UK, and a nice looker it is too.

Sporting the now obligatory touchscreen the Arena is a good rendition of the technology. The touchscreen responds to gestures similar to one or two others. But in the review it is mentioned that there is a fairly serious "lag" associated with using the handset's UI. On the video it looks significant, which would be a shame really as the rest looks fairly good.

I've said elsewhere that I tend not to get along with the LG UI on any of its devices. But the Arena appears, on video at least, to be quite different in that respect, and possibly something that I could indeed manage to comprehend.

Check out the BBC correspondent's short video review of the LG Arena for yourself here --> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programme...ne/7977206.stm

An iPhone or Google Android it isn't, but LG do seem to have made a solid effort at producing a creditworthy touchscreen smartphone.