Looks like Orange are following T-mobile with the budget mediocre spec bandwagon , this time with the help of ZTE

TBF I think it looks quite nice, better than the pulse , and with an OLED screen too

As with the Pulse , I am amazed by quite how much phone you get for your £100 lately ! of course you are not going to get the perfomance of the "bigger boys", but then of course you shouldn't , otherwise how coul you justify £400 for a top notch handset ! ?
I think these budget handsets are pretty great as second phones , pretty cool that you could have a GN1 , or Desire , but then if you are going out to do a bit of manual work or something where you wouldn't want to risk you "crown jewels" ,you a pop your sim in one of these , and have "almost" the same functionality , familiar UI etc.