WARNING - please read about what you are doing - if you choose to follow these instructions - be aware of what they do.

If your just looking for a Custom ROM for your device then there is a method to put ZTE Blade Roms WITHOUT changing you device to a ZTE Libra layout

It does not need copying to C:\windows anymore as it is using the latest hacked download.exe files (All credit for this goes to mrradmir)

It also contains a clockwork installable zip that restores a stock recovery. It automaticly detects Blade/Libra and uses the right one.

So basically this is the procedure:

1. Install stock recovery (if you are currently running clockwork) with the included recovery restorer.
2. Boot into FTM (volume-down)
3. Run the the installer you want to install, can choose 128mb system partition layout or original partition layout
4. When done (if going from Blade->Libra) it is strongly recommended to copy Channel1.nvm and keep it safe.
5. Install your favourite custom ROM and have fun.

There's a text file included that describes the partition sizes you get with each version.

Here's the file http://www.multiupload.com/MZHDCOTG0Z

MD5SUM 185C51C3EDF8E4111044A3814ECEB3C7

these are the basic instructions pulled out of this thread http://android.modaco.com/content/zte-blad...asonera-phones/

Disadvantages of doing this:
  • cant use any Blade rom
    [8]cant use CM7 at present
  • cant use tpt method
  • cant use fastboot unless by ADB.
  • cant downgrade to Blade baseband
Advantages of doing this:
  • better network reception
  • HSUPA enabled, screenshot to follow
  • 850mhz enabled for GSM and 3G
  • CM7 will be updating to this after CM7 is declared stable

comparison on gsmarena:
