Haven't written a post like this in a while! Here goes...

I'm in a bit of quandary. Now I'm all fired up with fibre at home, I was fully intending on replacing the Rev A MacBook Air with the latest 13" model. There was no point doing it previously, I'm mostly using the laptop at home these days and with the Internet speeds I was getting I could've been on some old Pentium and had a similar experience...

But yes, the Rev A is getting rickety, and the current revision has a backlit keyboard so there's nothing putting me off anymore. Apart from what I just mentioned above... I'm mostly using it at home! How did that happen? iPad. Well, iPad 2 to be specific. I take it everywhere, so I rarely take the Air.

I'd previously had the 15" MacBook Pro, which I've just hauled back into service and upgraded to Lion. What a machine! Then I remembered why I stopped using it. The HDD is slowing things down majorly, and I can sense my sperm count diminishing when I use the thing on my lap - frying eggs comes to mind. But having decent graphics and a bigger screen now seems more important to me than portability - and lets face it, with the right bag a 15" MacBook Pro is hardly impractical.

So I find myself considering the new one. It just had a little spec bump, unreported on the Apple site, giving a few extra MHz and rather nice new graphics cards. With a 512GB SSD and up to 8GB of RAM it'd be ridiculously capable, far more than I could ever hope for in an Air, with that all important 15" display.

But it's not an Air.

Why can't I stop myself placing such a massive premium on portability? Can someone please slap me around the face and tell me the 15" MBP is the way to go?