This is just a very small thing , but on my SGS2 it has made a world of difference for me , and seriously could be the difference between it being a primary or just a secondary phone for me !

Since the original iPhone I have tried to switch to Android at least once a year - and no matter how well I get on with an Android phone initially, when I try to use it as my primary device , I always have problems with the keyboard ! The main symptoms are ending up with full stops where spaces should be , and the auto-suggest seemingly having a mind of its own.

Now , I should add that I don't think there is anything WRONG with the Android keyboards , it is simply that I am used to the iPhones excellent keyboard and have trouble adjusting (although that said , I've had no such problems with the WP7 keyboard ... oh well !)

Anyway , back to the point.... my recent flirt with MIUI and the iPhone theme introduced me to iTap keyboard ,which is just like the iPhone keyboard ! - I installed it and haven't looked back since . I can now text away just like I do on the iPhone , and it actually FEELS like I am on the iPhone - no more full stops in where spaces should be , and my messages actually say what I want them to say , this is something that I could never achieve with the stock keyboard , Better Keyboard, the HTC IME keyboard , Swype , or any other keyboard.

If you are going from the iPhone toan Android device it makes the whole thing much more usable.