Really, Ben has it in one. Lack of real knowledge of how the OS works causes people to come up with all manner of objections to OS X. But that is just the OS. These conversations keep confusing and mixing up hardware and OS in a near desperate attempt to validate the negatives expressed about either or both.

I switch daily and constantly between Windows and OS X and can tell you which is the easier to operate. Yes, it took a [short] while to adjust to the new OS, and I am still learning new "stuff" almost weekly. The functionality in OS X (and iOS for that matter) is head and shoulders over other desktop OS. But, again as Ben rightly says, you have to give the OS a chance, to take the time to learn to use it, to get to know its functionality and quirks (they've all got them).

Why am I bothering defending a manufacturer's product? Simply because this is a public forum and the negative anti-Apple-anything opinion is just wrong, wrong, wrong.