Anyone seen this? I was browsing Nokia's NSeries website when i came across this new service. It basically is an app for your mobile (NSeries Nokia) that tracks your movements using GPS when you want it to and automatically uploads any media you've consumed whilst on that "journey".

The example they use on their site, is if you were walking through the park and decided to take some pictures. This viNe would record your movement through the park and then automatically upload the pictures/videos you made, or the music you had on, to the Nokia viNe website. Once you've uploaded your media, a "viNe" will automatically pop up on the world wide map of where that picture/video was taken and who by along with the associated tab. Any viNe user can then see this media and see where it was taken.

I think its a great example of what phones are new capable of showing, but i find it equally as terrifying to think we could all be tracked on some level across the globe!