The performance of WebOS on the Pre 2 is quite acceptably fast. I have not noticed any stuttering or other lagginess as we saw with Android up until recently. But there are plenty of tales of the Pre and Pre Plus having atrocious performance. I would say that the Pre 2 is at least twice as fast as its predecessors going by some YouTube videos showing the boot up time. On the Pre 2 the boot is as quick, if not quicker, than Android.

The apps are quick enough also - same as with the OS itself, they perform speedily enough. There is nothing in terms of performance that makes me want to chuck it in the bin (unlike my old HTC Magic that I couldn't wait to get rid of once I'd realised how underpowered it was for the OS, even Eclair!

See, the thing is, despite any of the technology nuances, WebOS can perform, that much is apparent. It just needs a decent bit of hardware to run on. I suspect that the issues seen on the new HP tablet are nothing more than scaling issues to the new hardware. And likely as not the same will happen to the Pre 3 when/if it arrives.

But for now all we can do it wait and see what HP finally come up with.