I know I want it, I know you want it, but do we actually need it on a day to day basis?
Let me quallify that question. I have fibre optic broadband at home that allows me to do all sorts of wonderful stuff on my PC, iPad and mobile phone. I don't think that I would replace my home broadband with 4G, therefore do I really need a 4G mobile data service?
The answer depends on what I want to do and what I might be able to do, but let's assume you could have 4G today how would it change your life?

My major gripe with 3G is signal penetration indoors and an ever apparent lack of capacity. I can do pretty much everything I need to over 3G (when I get it!) from watching TV, to making a video call, so the question is what benefits will I get from 4G?
Will 4G just ensure I can use mobile data when and how I want it without any silly restrictions on bandwidth?

What do you think, do you actually need it?