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Ben's Talk3G Blog


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by , 3rd March 2010 at 11:29 PM (4001 Views)
Nothing represents life better than the to-me-to-you struggle of the Chuckle Brothers. The amount of time I spend in conversations where neither party understands what the other is saying probably far outweighs those where both party comes away feeling like they've accomplished something productive. Perhaps my readers suffer the same dilemma... a thought I'll not dwell on.

Perhaps clarity comes naturally to some of us. I'd like to think that clarity comes better to my writing than it does to my speech. Which brings me onto something neatly; Twitter vs Google Buzz.

Like text messaging, the character limit in Twitter has a certain quality. Like 160 character texts did before they were ruined by concatenated messaging. I still like to keep my texts short, btw - I've gone full circle through long messages.

Forcing us to be efficient and succinct actually gives Twitter a practical use. Expressing some meaning in 140 characters is a great challenge, and true 'micro blogging'. Buzz, on the other hand, lets us be lazy; if we don't have to contain our expression then we're free to waffle, and everybody knows that there's nothing more boring than waffle.
