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The White iPhone Dilemma

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by , 27th April 2011 at 11:24 PM (10033 Views)
Here's a new one.

Often times Apple upgrades come around and there's that question: is it enough of an upgrade for me to justify shelling out for a new one, or do I wait until next time?

Apple have outdone themselves this time.

By releasing a white version of the iPhone 4 just a few months before the annual update cycle, many iPhone 4 users (who are, by and large, extremely happy with the device, which is still considered at the forefront of smartphones despite being on the market for some time now) will for the first time be considering a brand new iPhone... just to have the new colour.

Yes, fully aware that, technically, the new phone will be exactly the same, countless iPhone users will 'upgrade' to it. Surely this will be Apple's most profitable windfall yet.

The worrying thing? The white iPhone 4 looks so good that even I'm tempted.

What's stopping me is this:
- My second iPhone 4 is cracked and scratched, so I wont be able to sell it on.
- Why would I buy another iPhone 4 when I know how delicate they are? (Answer: I wouldn't, only out of necessity, i.e. breaking beyond being usable)



    1. Hands0n's Avatar
        I have no intention of doing a colour update. Circa £600 is a lot of money for what is effectively a respray.

        I suspect that the White will be a big success for Apple. The sheer amount of hiatus it has generated almost assure that.

        As for your iPhone, Ben, why not simply get it re-glassed by one of the many independents and eBay it to offset the cost of a new White one?
      • Ben's Avatar
          I think I'll pop in to a local phone shop that does iPhone repairs today and see what the deal is. I believe they do white covers, but given the pains Apple went to in order to get the white iPhone right I sincerely doubt a third party casing is going to perform as well! No, I think I'll just get the back sorted so there's the possibility of offloading the phone should the lure of the white model become unbearable.
        • Ben's Avatar
            Of note: The aforementioned cracked iPhone 4 was stolen shortly afterwards. Distress was short-lived, however, as the author purchased a white iPhone 4 the day after and lived happily ever after.

            Some time later, the author was spotted with a white iPhone 4S. Go figure.